Groundbreaking ceremony held for Taoyuan station in Taiwan

16 July 2024
  • Mecanoo
  • Mecanoo
  • Mecanoo
  • Mecanoo
  • Mecanoo
  • Mecanoo





Mecanoo create floating canopy for ‘airport city’ transportation hub

A groundbreaking ceremony has been held for the new Taoyuan underground station designed by Tenderstream member Mecanoo. Over the past twenty years, Taiwan has been transforming its above ground railway system into an underground transport network in an initiative to mitigate against the constraining influence of railway tracks on city development. As a pivotal project within a two-phase masterplan, Taoyuan station is set to emerge as the city's central axis. 

Located in the old city centre, the new station consists of a large covered plaza encompassing commercial spaces, a metro, a bus station, and the underground railway. The roof canopy spans three volumes and two voids, which are well-connected to the levels below ground. Heavy structural columns are divided into slimmer ones, creating a sense of lightness that supports the large canopy, making it appear to float above the site.

Taoyuan is known as the Airport City, and the design embodies this spirit with the station's canopy resembling an origami aeroplane. The soffit pattern, combined with linear lights, creates a dynamic ceiling intended to capture the attention of the station's users. Recognizing the area’s subtropical climate, and as part of Mecanoo's sustainable and holistic design approach, the canopy provides shade and shelter for the public space. 

As a compact and efficient transportation hub, access is provided from multiple directions to the platform levels. Lighting and landscape design help to guide people around the station and provide greenery to the urban fabric. Considered a catalyst rather than a destination, the facility will also include essential services such as a café, a convenience store, a restaurant, and a souvenir shop. The second phase of the master plan on the east side of the station will house a multi-story building that will provide commercial and office spaces.

Lucy Nordberg
Tenderstream Head of Research

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