World's largest collaborative robot hub breaks ground

3 May 2022
  • 3XN
  • 3XN
  • 3XN
  • 3XN



3XN design 20,000 sqm technology headquarters in Odense

Work has officially begin on Tenderstream member 3XN’s Cobot Hub project, with the groundbreaking ceremony attended by Peter Rahbæk Juel, Mayor of Odense, and Mark Jagiela, CEO of Teradyne, the US- based parent company of the firms that will occupy the new building. The 20,000 sq m headquarters is set to become set the world’s largest COBOT (collaborative robot) and AMR (autonomous mobile robot) hub, providing a base for Universal Robots (UR) and Mobile Industrial Robots (MiR). The ceremony, held on 20th April, included speeches from Kim Povlsen and Søren E. Nielsen, the presidents of Universal and Robots and MiR, respectively.

When complete, Cobot Hub will be the latest addition to an already thriving robotics scene in Odense – one that includes not just established businesses, but also a strong network of start-ups and world-class higher education facilities in technology. COBOT hub takes inspiration from and builds on this collaborative, co-creative, and interconnected culture, with modular volumes organised around a large courtyard that acts as a social incubator for the two companies. The modular form of the building also allows for a high degree of flexibility, allowing future users to evolve the space to suit their needs.

“Buildings need to have more than a single function, and Cobot Hub will not just be a headquarters, but a place for creation, experimentation, innovation, and development,” stated Audun Opdal, 3XN partner, who is in charge of the project. “The new building will house two independent companies that need everything from traditional office space to workshops, laboratories, and creative robot ‘playrooms’, where the robots of the future are developed – an office unlike any other. It’s exciting to reach this milestone, and we’re looking forward to see it take shape over the coming months.”

Lucy Nordberg

Tenderstream Head of Research

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