Winning bid revealed for iconic factory site

7 February 2018
Credit: Zechner & Zechner
  • Zechner & Zechner
  • Zechner & Zechner
  • Zechner & Zechner
  • Zechner & Zechner
  • Zechner & Zechner

Zechner & Zechner/Bodner Bau




Zechner & Zechner and Bodner Bau selected for Tabakfabrik complex

Following a unanimous jury decision, Zechner & Zechner and Bodner Bau have won the bidding process to deliver a new complex at the site of Tabakfabrik, a former tobacco processing plant in Linz. The original factory is a renowned 1930s modernist structure designed by Peter Behrens. An addition built in the 1980s was recently demolished, releasing an area ripe for development. Last year, the Linz authorities ran the two-stage anonymous competition to find a suitable design as part of an ongoing plan to revitalise the neighbourhood.

The winning design is responsive to the heritage aspects of the site, with low structures to preserve views of the listed Tabakfabrik building. However, it also establishes new landmarks, with building height gradually increasing towards an 81m tower containing a hotel and offices.

The focus is on 24/7 operation and the creation of a robust mix of uses. Two base levels will contain shops, co-working cafes and studios, with areas for education and study. Approximately 200 student apartments will be built alongside residential apartments and workspaces. In order to enable smooth access for both occupants and the public, the design provides numerous routes through the interior courtyard and a high-quality connection to the new underground rail station.

Mayor Klaus Luger, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Tabakfabrik Linz, commented: “The winning project for the NeuBau 3 of the tobacco factory unites a high architectural standard with flexible usability. This project underlines our vision of becoming Austria's most innovative city.” The complex is planned for completion in 2023.

Lucy Nordberg
TenderStream Research Specialist & Editor

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