287 new architectural opportunities published on Tenderstream

9 May 2024

Highlights from the Week

This week, Tenderstream has curated and published 287 architectural design business leads and competitions from around the world, with our members receiving full details of every opportunity relevant to their practice. To find out if our service could be of use to you, simply sign up to a free trial here.

In Australia, a notice has been published concerning an upcoming Expression of Interest for advisory architectural services for Australia's largest hospital infrastructure scheme, that will see a hospital precinct redeveloped to attract more studies and clinical trials, while also providing modern facilities for doctors, teachers and researchers.

In Europe, a tender has been released for a multi-disciplinary design team for a large outdoor sports area, alongside the development of the surrounding district. With a maximum budget of 63m EUR, the programme includes 120 housing units and 11,000 sq m for sports facilities. The design challenge is to implement the mixed programme in a dense urban context. 

Our research team has also identified many other exciting opportunities, just some of which are highlighted below.

A world-leading museum wishes to appoint a team for the design its fashion gallery, creating an accessible, inclusive and participatory space that builds on the museum's reputation as a world-leading source of inspiration for all. In the same country, a gallery is embarking on the refurbishment of a listed building, once a famous artist's studio, and is seeking a design to convert the building in order to show her larger-scale works.

Elsewhere in Europe, a tender has been released for a renovation project at a Natural History Museum that will increase the building's energy efficiency while conserving and repairing various elements, including the facade. 

In the US, city authorities are accepting proposals from developers and associated parties for 3.54 ac of land, through a redevelopment project that meets high standards of design and market feasibility, while offering benefits to the community and enhancing the gateway to the downtown area.

In Asia, a redevelopment authority have launched an open ideas competition to reimagine a former railway station as a unique heritage and recreational node, transforming the building into a vibrant and multi-functional community building with inviting public spaces.

For further information, start your free trial here or email our team directly at customerservices@tenderstream.com 

Lucy Nordberg

Tenderstream Head of Research