201 new architectural opportunities published on Tenderstream

14 May 2024

Highlights from the Week

This week, Tenderstream has curated and published 201 architectural design business leads and competitions from around the world, with our members receiving full details of every opportunity relevant to their practice. To find out if our service could be of use to you, simply sign up to a free trial here.

In the UK, a world-leading museum has launched an international competition to choose a visionary, architect-led design team to develop an extraordinary design for a significant part of its site. The commission to re-envisage and transform key areas of its main, iconic location will be the museum’s biggest building project since the 1820s.

In Europe, an upcoming design competition has been announced for the extensive remodel and expansion of a historic conference centre, which will transform the site into an an iconic venue, reaching 21st century standards in energy efficiency, digitalisation and sustainability.

Our research team has also identified many other exciting opportunities, just some of which are highlighted below.

Also in Europe, a science museum has released a tender for an expansion and redesign that will provide further exhibition space, alongside lecture and conference facilities. Elsewhere, a federal agency is seeking to redesign 50,000 sq m campus with around 1,400 workplaces, in a plan that will include 25 new buildings across the site.

In Canada, a request for proposals has been issued for a landscape architect to provide a multidisciplinary team to develop a unique public space that re-imagines the land underneath an expressway as a new cultural destination. In the US, a city is soliciting competitive sealed proposals to develop a landscape report for a historic park, in order to develop a vision plan that will guide its future use.

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