Winner revealed for Kuwait science foundation headquarters

17 April 2019
  • KFAS
  • KFAS
  • KFAS
  • KFAS



Topotek 1 scheme creates a modern oasis in Salmiya

The Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Sciences (KFAS) has published the result of the international design competition for its new headquarters, forming part of a masterplan to develop an attractive location for scientific research and innovation in Kuwait’s Salmiyan peninsula.  The jury selected Topotek 1 by Architektur GmbH & Gesellschaft von Landschaftsarchitekten mbH as the winning design, chosen from 10 finalists who were invited to take part in the second stage of the competition.  

The Topotek 1 concept suspends the new three-storey headquarters building on columns above an open public space, which acts as a modern oasis. This shaded area features vegetation and palm trees, as well as mirror pools filled with seawater from the Arabian Gulf.  Standing at a height of just 18 metres, the new building leaves room for the adjacent high-rise 1960s building. The façade is perforated by three deeply recessed niches, the largest of which is an expansive glass terrace overlooking the harbour. The roof is also perforated by six open, sun-protected courtyards that resemble windows when seen from above. 

In their statement, the jury praised the design for successfully meeting the competition's brief to establish strong connections between the new structure and the site’s existing science and technology facilities. They said: “Within the framework of the scheme’s urban design quality, the jury particularly appreciates the nature of the Headquarters building as an inviting place allowing people to enter from the ground floor, where the park, continuous and different paths, water, and shadows are playfully juxtaposed together.”

The next step for the project’s realisation will be a negotiation stage with the winning designers. 

Lucy Nordberg
TenderStream Head of Research

This competition was first published by TenderStream on 10.04.2018 here

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