Tokyo's Toranomon Hills Station Tower to open in autumn 2023

15 February 2023
  • OMA
  • OMA
  • OMA
  • OMA
  • OMA
  • OMA
  • OMA

OMA/Shohei Shigematsu




OMA integrate mixed-use high-rise with transportation network

Toranomon Station Tower in Tokyo is set to open in autumn 2023, marking the significant completion of developer Mori Building’s Toranomon Hills, a new international urban hub and global business centre. Designed by Tenderstream member OMA/Shohei Shigematsu, the tower incorporates a multi-layered transportation node that will establish a new gateway to Central Tokyo and beyond. 

The Station Tower is a mixed-use, high-rise tower spanning 49 floors and reaching 266 m in height. Comprised of offices, commercial spaces, hotels and interactive facility TOKYO NODE, the tower will be integrated to the newly opened Tokyo Metro Hibiya Line station (2020) and function as a major transportation hub. In order to create the highly public interface to the tower, OMA designed the building as an extension of the the surrounding area. The base of the building, expressed as a large funnel, opens up to draw the public inward. The T-DECK, a large-scale pedestrian bridge, links the tower to the diverse Toranomon Hills developments.

The Station Atrium will be the first of its kind in Tokyo, integrating the development with the Tokyo Metro Hibiya Line. The top of the tower will be home to TOKYO NODE - a new type of facility devised as a hybrid of flexible venue and innovative forum - that will include halls, galleries, studio, garden, pool, and restaurants. 

Shohei Shigematsu, OMA partner, stated: “Our first tower in Tokyo is dedicated to connections, to its high-rise neighbours and diverse neighbourhood networks. The Station Tower confronts and resonates with the three-dimensionality of Tokyo’s urban environment that steers people through stacks and layers of places and activities. It’s shaped by a central activity band that allows life around the tower to lead into, up and over, and through its potentially sobering scale. Carved, bisected, and shifted in form from base to top, it spatially and programmatically opens up to new links—to Shintora-dori, the bay area, the new pedestrian and green network of Toranomon Hills Area, the greater Tokyo Metro network, and the global network of creatives that will activate TOKYO NODE.”

Lucy Nordberg
Tenderstream Head of Research

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