Tenderstream members in the running for Housing Design Awards

31 March 2022
Credit: Rubicon by Alison Brooks Architects
  • Rubicon by Alison Brooks Architects
  • Bute Street by AHHM
  • Riverside by AHHM
  • Leinster Avenue by AHHM
  • Unity Place by Alison Brooks Architects & FCB Studio




United Kingdom

Innovative residential developments through to contest shortlist

Residential developments by Tenderstream members Alison Brooks Architects, Allford Hall Monaghan Morris (AHHM) and Feilden Clegg Bradley Architects (FCB Studios) have been selected for the shortlist in this year’s Housing Design Awards, which were originally created to drive quality municipal building during the regeneration of post-war Britain. Subsequently opened up to market sale homes in 1960, the awards are promoted by RICS, RIBA, RTPI, Landscape Institute and Chartered Institute of Architectural Technologists. 

Three AHMM projects made the shortlist, with two of the firm’s selected schemes - Bute Street and Riverside Community Living - developed for Cardiff Council as part of their Older People’s Housing Strategy. Each mixed-use scheme offers residential units designed with the core principles established by HAPPI (Housing our Ageing Population Panel for Innovation) as a guide. Bute Street includes a community gym, while Riverside offers a community garden and multi-use games area. Leinster Avenue, the third project shortlisted, is a 100% affordable residential scheme designed for Bristol City Council that includes two supported living homes for the neighbouring Knowle DGE specialist Academy.

Alison Brooks’ project Rubicon at Knight’s Park in Eddington, located at the gateway to Cambridge University’s North West Cambridge Development, was also selected for the next stage of the competition. The residential quarter builds on the paradigm of the 19th century warehouse and offers a new concept of sustainable urban living. Consisting of five robust, S and L-planned adaptable buildings, the 186-unit scheme creates a distinctive urban edge to the new Green Corridor and wetland landscape beyond. Between each building, intimate courts act as urban thresholds, interlocking with south facing gardens to overlook and embrace the landscape. 

Alison Brooks was recognised again, along with Tenderstream member Feilden Clegg Bradley Architects, Gort Scott and RM_A Architects, for Unity Place at Kilburn Park Road in London. The scheme forms part of the wider South Kilburn Estate Regeneration, which aims to deliver 2,400 new homes, half of which are for existing South Kilburn social rented residents. Unity Place provides 235 social rented homes, a community hub, high quality landscape amenity, publicly accessible playspace, car parking and an energy centre serving the wider estate. The 100% affordable development is organised around the reinstatement of historic street patterns and a desire to create high-density housing in low-medium rise buildings that positively engage with their surroundings. FCBStudios developed the vision for the site, within which they, Alison Brooks Architects and Gort Scott, used in a unified approach to deliver individual buildings.

Lucy Nordberg
Tenderstream Head of Research

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