Mecanoo convert former railway line to linear park

28 October 2021
  • Ethan Lee
  • Ethan Lee
  • Ethan Lee
  • Ethan Lee
  • Ethan Lee
  • Ethan Lee



New green corridor for pedestrians & cyclists in Taichung

Tenderstream member Mecanoo have created a green corridor in Taichung, Taiwan, which improves connections for pedestrians and cyclists, while also providing a linear public park that supports the conservation and development of the area’s flora and fauna. The project site is a 1.7km long former railway line that acted as an important catalyst for the development of the old city, and now plays an important role in the revitalisation of the surrounding urban realm.

Once, the railway served to connect people across the city, but in the years following its closure, the line has formed a barrier due to its challenging location on a dyke that impedes travel from one side of the tracks to the other. The new design reuses the railway to sustainably connect the different parts of the city, while complementing the Green River’s waterfront. In order to maintain the area’s strong historical character and set a recognisable theme for the project, the new circulation system layout relies on the track pattern of the junction railway, with its routes branching out to integrate existing and future functions.

The project’s urban location makes it an ideal place for leisure and recreational activities. As well as forming practical connections, the corridor is intended to become a destination, inviting visitors to explore and enjoy the green qualities of the park. Mecanoo’s design intensifies the use of the area for the local and wider Taichung community, while promoting a more coherent city infrastructure, providing a herb garden, street fitness area, playground, viewpoint and waterpark.

Lucy Nordberg

Tenderstream Head of Research

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