Historic Medway monument to become hub for creative industries

9 November 2021
  • FCB Studios

Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios




United Kingdom

Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios selected for new accelerator space in Chatham

The Institute of Cultural and Creative Industries (iCCi) at the University of Kent has announced the selection of Tenderstream member Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios as architect for The Docking Station, a new creative industries’ accelerator space at Medway’s Historic Dockyard Chatham. The project will involve the conversion of the Homes England-owned Police Section House – a Grade II listed scheduled ancient monument – into a flagship building designed to inspire future development in the region and beyond.

Located between the University’s Pembroke campus and its Historic Dockyard premises, the Docking Station is intended to place creative and cultural industries at the heart of regeneration plans for the site’s last undeveloped area. Facilities will include a community café, gallery and exhibition spaces, workshops, flexible teaching areas, a state-of-the-art immersive digital interactive space and a start-up/accelerator zone.

The University’s partners in the development are Medway Council and Chatham Historic Dockyard Trust, with all three aiming to deliver The Docking Station as a key part of Medway’s new cultural strategy. The 10-year plan sets out Medway’s aim to be nationally and internationally recognised for its creativity and culture.

John Southall, partner of Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios, said: ‘The Docking Station at The Historic Dockyard Chatham, is a project with the potential to make an enormous and catalytic contribution to the development of the emerging cultural quarter, and we are very excited to contribute our skills and experience. The essence of the project will be to imbue a sense of the history and permanence of Chatham Dockyard, contrasted with the evolving digital technologies and creations. This contrast will be linked to, and surrounded by, nature and the human interaction with it. We are committed to net zero carbon and will give this a clear sense of design priority.’

Lucy Nordberg
Tenderstream Head of Research

This tender was first published by Tenderstream on 03.03.2021 here

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