Highlights from the Week

18 April 2024

216 new opportunities published on Tenderstream

This week, Tenderstream has curated and published 216 architectural design business leads and competitions from around the world, with our members receiving full details of every opportunity relevant to their practice. To find out if our service could be of use to you, simply sign up to a free trial here.

It's been a particularly strong week for cultural institutions to release tenders for new or expanded facilities. In Europe, a competition has been launched to find a feasible design proposal for a world-class building to house a new national museum of architecture and design. In Australia, a leading gallery has announced an opportunity for designers to contribute to the institution's sculpture garden, creating a reinvigorated and unique landscape setting intended to embrace the biodiversity of the area's natural landscape.
In Europe, designers are sought for a large extension to a national library, situated directly adjacent to the existing historic building. Elsewhere, a request for pre-qualifications has been released for the design of three artistic urban spaces, which will offer cultural institutions the possibility to present newly created and site-specific work in an attractive setting. In the same country, a tender has been released for a new visitor centre at a museum where visitors are invited to explore a Bronze Age landscape. 
In other design sectors, proposals are sought in the US from eligible architectural/engineering firms for a university student residence centre, which will provide over 1000 units for students and staff, together with a dining area, administrative offices, community areas, and retail space. Meanwhile, another university has released a request for qualifications for architectural services to create a 71m USD health building, which will support the university’s vision to lead in its particular field of research and treatment. 
In the sports sector, a national football federation in Africa has issued a tender for a new training centre that will develop high-level infrastructure to improve conditions for professional football, while helping to boost football participation in disadvantaged neighbourhoods.
For further information, start your free trial here or email our team directly at customerservices@tenderstream.com

Lucy Nordberg
Tenderstream Head of Research